Their snares caught the Heavenly bird, all their deficiencies turned to increment.”
دامهاشان مرغ گردونی گرفت ** نقصهاشان جمله افزونی گرفت
O master, exert thyself so long as thou canst in (following) the way of the prophets and saints!975
جهد میکن تا توانی ای کیا ** در طریق انبیا و اولیا
Endeavour is not a struggle with Destiny, because Destiny itself has laid this (endeavour) upon us.
با قضا پنجه زدن نبود جهاد ** ز آن که این را هم قضا بر ما نهاد
I am an infidel if any one has suffered loss a single moment (while walking) in the way of faith and obedience.
کافرم من گر زیان کرده ست کس ** در ره ایمان و طاعت یک نفس
Your head is not broken: do not bandage this head. Exert yourself (in doing good works) for one or two little days (i.e. during this brief life), and laugh unto everlasting!
سر شکسته نیست این سر را مبند ** یک دو روزک جهد کن باقی بخند
An evil resort sought he that sought this world; a good state sought he that sought the world to come.
بد محالی جست کاو دنیا بجست ** نیک حالی جست کاو عقبی بجست
Plots for gaining (the things of) this world are worthless, (but) plots for renouncing this world are inspired (by God).980
مکرها در کسب دنیا بارد است ** مکرها در ترک دنیا وارد است
The (right) plot is that he (the prisoner) digs a hole in his prison (in order to escape); if he blocks up the hole, that is a foolish plot.
مکر آن باشد که زندان حفره کرد ** آن که حفره بست آن مکری ست سرد
This world is the prison, and we are the prisoners: dig a hole in the prison and let yourself out!
این جهان زندان و ما زندانیان ** حفره کن زندان و خود را وارهان
What is this world? To be forgetful of God; it is not merchandise and silver and weighing-scales and women.
چیست دنیا از خدا غافل بدن ** نی قماش و نقره و میزان و زن