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  • The (right) plot is that he (the prisoner) digs a hole in his prison (in order to escape); if he blocks up the hole, that is a foolish plot.
  • مکر آن باشد که زندان حفره کرد ** آن که حفره بست آن مکری ست سرد
  • This world is the prison, and we are the prisoners: dig a hole in the prison and let yourself out!
  • این جهان زندان و ما زندانیان ** حفره کن زندان و خود را وارهان‌‌
  • What is this world? To be forgetful of God; it is not merchandise and silver and weighing-scales and women.
  • چیست دنیا از خدا غافل بدن ** نی قماش و نقره و میزان و زن‌‌
  • As regards the wealth that you carry for religion's sake, “How good is righteous wealth (for the righteous man)!” as the Prophet recited.
  • مال را کز بهر دین باشی حمول ** نعم مال صالح خواندش رسول‌‌
  • Water in the boat is the ruin of the boat, (but) water underneath the boat is a support. 985
  • آب در کشتی هلاک کشتی است ** آب اندر زیر کشتی پشتی است‌‌
  • Since he cast out from his heart (the desire for) wealth and possessions, on that account Solomon did not call himself (by any name) but “poor.”
  • چون که مال و ملک را از دل براند ** ز آن سلیمان خویش جز مسکین نخواند
  • The stoppered jar, (though) in rough water, floated on the water because of its wind-filled (empty) heart.
  • کوزه‌‌ی سر بسته اندر آب زفت ** از دل پر باد فوق آب رفت‌‌
  • When the wind of poverty is within (any one), he rests at peace on the surface of the water of the world;
  • باد درویشی چو در باطن بود ** بر سر آب جهان ساکن بود
  • Although the whole of this world is his kingdom, in the eye of his heart the kingdom is nothing.
  • گر چه جمله‌‌ی این جهان ملک وی است ** ملک در چشم دل او لا شی است‌‌
  • Therefore stopper and seal the mouth of your heart, and fill it from the Divine ventilator. 990
  • پس دهان دل ببند و مهر کن ** پر کنش از باد کبر من لدن‌‌