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  • I am the owner of the (spiritual) kingdom, I am not a lickspittle: the King is beating the falcon-drum for me from the shore.
  • My falcon-drum is the call, ‘Return!’ God is my witness in despite of adversary.
  • I am not a congener of the King of kings—far be it from Him!—but I have light from Him in (His) self-manifestation. 1170
  • Homogeneity is not in respect of form and essence: water becomes homogeneous with earth in the plant.
  • Wind (air) becomes homogeneous with fire in consistency; wine at last becomes homogeneous with the constitution (of the body).
  • Since my genus is not the genus of my King, my ego has passed away (faná) for the sake of His ego.
  • Inasmuch as my ego passed away, He remained alone: I roll at the feet of His horse, like dust.
  • The (individual) soul (self) became dust, and the (only) signs of it are the mark of His feet on its dust. 1175
  • Become dust at His feet for the sake of this mark, in order that you may become the crown on the head of the lofty.
  • Let not my form beguile you: partake of my dessert before my departure.”