- The (individual) soul (self) became dust, and the (only) signs of it are the mark of His feet on its dust. 1175
- خاک شد جان و نشانیهای او ** هست بر خاکش نشان پای او
- Become dust at His feet for the sake of this mark, in order that you may become the crown on the head of the lofty.
- خاک پایش شو برای این نشان ** تا شوی تاج سر گردن کشان
- Let not my form beguile you: partake of my dessert before my departure.”
- تا که نفریبد شما را شکل من ** نقل من نوشید پیش از نقل من
- Oh, (there is) many a one whom the form waylaid: he aimed at the form (of the holy man) and (in reality) struck at God.
- ای بسا کس را که صورت راه زد ** قصد صورت کرد و بر الله زد
- After all, this soul is joined to the body, (but) has this soul any likeness to the body?
- آخر این جان با بدن پیوسته است ** هیچ این جان با بدن مانند هست
- The sparkle of the eye's light is paired with the fat; the light of the heart is hidden in a drop of blood; 1180
- تاب نور چشم با پیه است جفت ** نور دل در قطرهی خونی نهفت
- Joy (has its seat) in the kidneys, grief in the liver; intellect, (bright) as a candle, inside the brain in the head.
- شادی اندر گرده و غم در جگر ** عقل چون شمعی درون مغز سر
- These connexions are not without a how and a why, (but) as regards knowledge of the why (our) minds are impotent.
- این تعلقها نه بیکیف است و چون ** عقلها در دانش چونی زبون
- The Universal Soul came into contact with the partial (individual) soul, and the (latter) soul received from it a pearl and put it into its bosom.
- جان کل با جان جزو آسیب کرد ** جان از او دری ستد در جیب کرد
- Through that touch on its bosom the (individual) soul became pregnant, like Mary, with a heart-beguiling Messiah,
- همچو مریم جان از آن آسیب جیب ** حامله شد از مسیح دل فریب