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  • The wall hindered him from (reaching) the water; he was in distress for the water, like a fish.
  • Suddenly he threw a brick into the water: the noise of the water came to his ear like spoken words,
  • Like words spoken by a sweet and delicious friend: the noise of the water made him drunken as (though it were) wine. 1195
  • From the pleasure of (hearing) the noise of the water, that sorely tried man began to hurl and tear off bricks from that place.
  • The water was making a noise, that is to say, (it was crying), “Hey, what is the advantage to you of this hurling a brick at me?”
  • The thirsty man said, “O water, I have two advantages: I will nowise refrain from this work.
  • The first advantage is (my) hearing the noise of the water, which to thirsty men is (melodious) as a rebeck.
  • The noise thereof has become (to me) like the noise of (the trumpet of) Isráfíl: by this (noise) life has been transferred (restored) to one (that was) dead; 1200
  • Or (it is) like the noise of thunder in days of spring—from it (the thunder) the garden obtains so many (lovely) ornaments;
  • Or like the days of alms to a poor man, or like the message of deliverance to a prisoner.