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  • (All) the parts of the mountain received life and intelligence— after all, are we inferior to stone, O people?
  • جان پذیرفت و خرد اجزای کوه ** ما کم از سنگیم آخر ای گروه‏
  • Neither is there gushing from the soul a single spring, nor is the body becoming one of those clad in green;
  • نه ز جان یک چشمه جوشان می‏شود ** نه بدن از سبز پوشان می‏شود
  • Neither is there in it the echo of the cry of longing, nor the purity (born) of the draught of (wine bestowed by) the Cup-bearer. 1335
  • نه صدای بانگ مشتاقی در او ** نه صفای جرعه‏ی ساقی در او
  • Where is (so great) zeal, that they should entirely dig up such a mountain as this with axe and with pick?—
  • کو حمیت تا ز تیشه و ز کلند ** این چنین که را بکلی بر کنند
  • (In the hope that) maybe a Moon will shine upon its particles, (that) maybe the radiance of the Moon will find a way into it.
  • بو که بر اجزای او تابد مهی ** بو که در وی تاب مه یابد رهی‏
  • Inasmuch as the (temporal) Resurrection shall dig up the mountains, how shall it cast the shadow (of protection) over us?
  • چون قیامت کوهها را بر کند ** پس قیامت این کرم کی می‏کند
  • How is this (spiritual) Resurrection inferior to that (temporal) Resurrection? That (temporal) Resurrection is the wound, and this (spiritual) Resurrection is as the plaster.
  • این قیامت ز آن قیامت کی کم است ** آن قیامت زخم و این چون مرهم است‏
  • Every one that has seen (experienced) this plaster is safe from the wound: every evil one that has seen this good is a well-doer. 1340
  • هر که دید این مرهم از زخم ایمن است ** هر بدی کاین حسن دید او محسن است‏
  • Oh, happy is the ugly one to whom the beauteous one has become a companion; alas for one of rosy countenance with whom autumn has consorted!
  • ای خنک زشتی که خوبش شد حریف ** وای گل رویی که جفتش شد خریف
  • When lifeless bread is companioned with life, the bread becomes living and is turned into the substance of that (life).
  • نان مرده چون حریف جان شود ** زنده گردد نان و عین آن شود