- For Love, as (for) the furnace, there is something to be burned: any one that is blind to this is not a furnace.
- همچو کوره عشق را سوزیدنی است ** هر که او زین کور باشد کوره نیست
- When the provision of unprovidedness has become your provision, you have gained life everlasting, and death is gone.
- برگ بیبرگی ترا چون برگ شد ** جان باقی یافتی و مرگ شد
- When the pain (of love) has begun to increase your (spiritual) joy, roses and lilies have taken possession of the garden of your soul.
- چون ترا غم شادی افزودن گرفت ** روضهی جانت گل و سوسن گرفت
- That which is the dread of others is your safety (safeguard): the duck is (made) strong by the river, the domestic fowl weak. 1380
- آن چه خوف دیگران آن امن تست ** بط قوی از بحر و مرغ خانه سست
- Once more have I become mad, O Physician! Once more have I become frenzied, O Beloved!
- باز دیوانه شدم من ای طبیب ** باز سودایی شدم من ای حبیب
- The rings (links) of Thy chain are multiform: every single ring gives a different madness.
- حلقههای سلسلهی تو ذو فنون ** هر یکی حلقه دهد دیگر جنون
- The gift of every ring is (consists in) different forms: therefore I have a different madness at every moment.
- داد هر حلقه فنونی دیگر است ** پس مرا هر دم جنونی دیگر است
- So “Madness is of different forms”—this has become a proverb; especially (is it true) as regards the chain of this most glorious Prince.
- پس فنون باشد جنون این شد مثل ** خاصه در زنجیر این میر اجل
- Such a madness has broken the bonds (of my reason) that all madmen would give me admonition. 1385
- آن چنان دیوانگی بگسست بند ** که همه دیوانگان پندم دهند
- How friends came to the madhouse for Dhu ’l-Nún—may God sanctify his honoured spirit!
- آمدن دوستان به بیمارستان جهت پرسش ذو النون مصری
- It so happened to Dhu ’l-Nún the Egyptian that a new agitation and madness was born within him.
- این چنین ذو النون مصری را فتاد ** کاندر او شور و جنونی نو بزاد