- On the contrary, these slaves of sensuality have represented themselves as masters of intellect and spirit.
- وین غلامان هوا بر عکس آن ** خویشتن بنموده خواجهی عقل و جان
- From the master (the spiritual man) comes the practice of self-abasement; from the slave (the sensual man) comes naught but slavishness.
- آید از خواجه ره افکندگی ** ناید از بنده بغیر بندگی
- So topsy-turvy, then, are the arrangements between that world and this world. Know this (for sure). 1495
- پس از آن عالم بدین عالم چنان ** تعبیتها هست بر عکس این بدان
- Luqmán's master was aware of this hidden state (of Luqmán); he had seen signs (thereof) in him.
- خواجهی لقمان از این حال نهان ** بود واقف دیده بود از وی نشان
- He knew the secret, (but) quietly drove his ass on that road (pursued his way) for the sake of the good (which he had in view).
- راز میدانست و خوش میراند خر ** از برای مصلحت آن راهبر
- He would have set him free at the first, but he sought to content (comply with the wish of) Luqmán,
- مر و را آزاد کردی از نخست ** لیک خشنودی لقمان را بجست
- Because it was Luqmán's desire (to remain a slave), in order that none might know the secret of that brave and generous youth.
- ز انکه لقمان را مراد این بود تا ** کس نداند سر آن شیر و فتی
- What wonder (is it) if you hide your secret from the evil (one)? The wonder is this, that you should hide the secret from yourself. 1500
- چه عجب گر سر ز بد پنهان کنی ** این عجب که سر ز خود پنهان کنی
- Hide your work from your own eyes, that your work may be safe from the evil eye.
- کار پنهان کن تو از چشمان خود ** تا بود کارت سلیم از چشم بد
- Yield yourself up to the snare of the (Divine) reward, and then, (being) beside yourself, steal something from yourself.
- خویش را تسلیم کن بر دام مزد ** و انگه از خود بیز خود چیزی بدزد