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  • What wonder (is it) if you hide your secret from the evil (one)? The wonder is this, that you should hide the secret from yourself. 1500
  • چه عجب گر سر ز بد پنهان کنی ** این عجب که سر ز خود پنهان کنی‏
  • Hide your work from your own eyes, that your work may be safe from the evil eye.
  • کار پنهان کن تو از چشمان خود ** تا بود کارت سلیم از چشم بد
  • Yield yourself up to the snare of the (Divine) reward, and then, (being) beside yourself, steal something from yourself.
  • خویش را تسلیم کن بر دام مزد ** و انگه از خود بی‏ز خود چیزی بدزد
  • They give opium to the wounded man, in order that they may extract the point (of a spear or arrow) from his body.
  • می‏دهند افیون به مرد زخم‏مند ** تا که پیکان از تنش بیرون کنند
  • At the hour of death he is torn with pain; he becomes preoccupied with that, and (meanwhile) his spirit (life) is taken away.
  • وقت مرگ از رنج او را می‏درند ** او بدان مشغول شد جان می‏برند
  • Inasmuch as, to whatsoever thought you give up your mind, something will secretly be taken away from you, 1505
  • چون به هر فکری که دل خواهی سپرد ** از تو چیزی در نهان خواهند برد
  • Whatsoever acquisition you may make, O solicitous one, the thief will enter from the side where you feel safe,
  • هر چه اندیشی و تحصیلی کنی ** می‏درآید دزد از آن سو کایمنی‏
  • Become occupied, therefore, with that which is better, in order that the thief may take away from you something that is less (in worth).
  • پس بدان مشغول شود کان بهترست ** تا ز تو چیزی برد کان کهترست
  • When the trader's bales fall into the water, he lays his hands upon the better merchandise.
  • بار بازرگان چو در آب اوفتد ** دست اندر کاله‏ی بهتر زند
  • Since something will (certainly) be lost in the water, take leave of the less (worse) and gain (possession of) the better.
  • چون که چیزی فوت خواهد شد در آب ** ترک کمتر گوی و بهتر را بیاب‏
  • How the excellence and sagacity of Luqmán became manifest to those who made trial (of him).
  • ظاهر شدن فضل و زیرکی لقمان پیش امتحان کنندگان