- Become occupied, therefore, with that which is better, in order that the thief may take away from you something that is less (in worth).
- پس بدان مشغول شود کان بهترست ** تا ز تو چیزی برد کان کهترست
- When the trader's bales fall into the water, he lays his hands upon the better merchandise.
- بار بازرگان چو در آب اوفتد ** دست اندر کالهی بهتر زند
- Since something will (certainly) be lost in the water, take leave of the less (worse) and gain (possession of) the better.
- چون که چیزی فوت خواهد شد در آب ** ترک کمتر گوی و بهتر را بیاب
- How the excellence and sagacity of Luqmán became manifest to those who made trial (of him).
- ظاهر شدن فضل و زیرکی لقمان پیش امتحان کنندگان
- Whatever food they brought to him (Luqmán's master), he would send some one to Luqmán after (receiving it), 1510
- هر طعامی کاوریدندی به وی ** کس سوی لقمان فرستادی ز پی
- That Luqmán might put his hand to (partake of) it, on purpose that the master might eat his (Luqmán's) leavings.
- تا که لقمان دست سوی آن برد ** قاصدا تا خواجه پس خوردش خورد
- He would eat his remnants and be enraptured: any food that he (Luqmán) did not taste, he (the master) would throw away;
- سور او خوردی و شور انگیختی ** هر طعامی کاو نخوردی ریختی
- Or if he ate (of it), (’twould be) without heart and without appetite: this is (the sign of) an affinity without end.
- ور بخوردی بیدل و بیاشتها ** این بود پیوندی بیانتها
- They had brought a melon as a present. “Go, my son” said he, “and call Luqmán.”
- خربزه آورده بودند ارمغان ** گفت رو فرزند لقمان را بخوان
- When he cut it and gave him a slice, he ate it as if it were sugar and honey. 1515
- چون برید و داد او را یک برین ** همچو شکر خوردش و چون انگبین
- On account of the pleasure with which he ate (it), he gave him a second (slice), (and went on) till the slices (given him) reached the seventeenth.
- از خوشی که خورد داد او را دوم ** تا رسید آن گرچها تا هفدهم