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  • He who has fixed his gaze upon seclusion (and made it his object), after all ’tis from the friend (of God) that he has learned that (lesson).
  • One must seclude one's self from strangers, (but) not from the friend: the fur-coat is for winter, not for spring. 25
  • (If) the intellect is paired with another intellect, light increases and the way becomes plain;
  • (But if) the fleshly soul makes merry with another fleshly soul, darkness increases, the way becomes hidden.
  • The friend is thine eye, O huntsman: keep him pure from (unsoiled by) sticks and straws.
  • Beware! Do not make a dust with thy tongue's broom, do not make a present of rubbish to thine eye.
  • Since the true believer is a mirror for the true believer, his face is safe from defilement. 30
  • The friend is a mirror for the soul in sorrow: breathe not on the face of the mirror, O my soul!
  • Lest it cover its face to (conceal itself from) thee at once, thou must swallow (suppress) thy breath at every moment.
  • Art thou less than earth? When a plot of earth finds a friend, that is, a springtide, it finds (gains) a hundred thousand flowers.