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  • Save through Thy munificence, ’tis impossible to convey understanding and reason into the midst of blood and entrails. 2450
  • This flowing light (proceeds) from two pieces of fat (the two eyeballs): their waves of light reach up to the sky.
  • The piece of flesh which is the tongue—from it the flood of Wisdom is flowing, like a stream,
  • Towards a cavity, whereof the name is “ears,” up to the orchard of the (rational) soul, whereof the fruit is intellections.
  • Its main course is the highway of the orchard of souls; the orchards and gardens of the world are its branches.
  • That, that, is the source and fountainhead of joy: quick, recite (the text), (gardens) beneath which flow the rivers. 2455
  • Conclusion of the admonishment given by the Prophet, God bless and save him, to the sick man.
  • The Prophet said to the sick man, when he visited (his) suffering friend,
  • “Maybe you have made a prayer of some (peculiar) sort, and from ignorance have (as it were) eaten some poisoned food.
  • Bring to mind what (sort of) a prayer you said when you were being vexed by the guile of the fleshly soul.”
  • He answered, “I do not remember; but direct a (spiritual) influence towards me, and it (the prayer) will come to my memory in a moment.”