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  • Who is the Devil that he should surpass Adam and win the game from him on such a board?
  • دیو که بود کاو ز آدم بگذرد ** بر چنین نطعی از او بازی برد
  • In truth, it all turned out to Adam’s advantage: that guile became a curse to the envious one.
  • در حقیقت نفع آدم شد همه ** لعنت حاسد شده آن دمدمه‏
  • He (the Devil) saw one game, (but) he did not see two hundred games (which he should lose): therefore he cut down the supports of his own house. 2510
  • بازیی دید و دو صد بازی ندید ** پس ستون خانه‏ی خود را برید
  • He set fire by night to the cornfield of others; (meanwhile) O wind, drive the fire into his field!
  • آتشی زد شب به کشت دیگران ** باد آتش را به کشت او بران‏
  • The (Divine) curse was a blind to the Devil, so that he regarded that trickery (of his) as harm to (his) enemy.
  • چشم بندی بود لعنت دیو را ** تا زیان خصم دید آن ریو را
  • The (Divine) curse is that which makes him (any one) see falsely, and makes him envious, self-conceited, and malicious,
  • لعنت این باشد که کژبینش کند ** حاسد و خود بین و پر کینش کند
  • To the end that he may not know that whoever does evil, it (that evil) will at last come back and smite him.
  • تا نداند که هر آن که کرد بد ** عاقبت باز آید و بر وی زند
  • He sees all the master-moves invertedly: (hence) they result in check-mate to him and (in) failure and defeat. 2515
  • جمله فرزین بندها بیند بعکس ** مات بر وی گردد و نقصان و وکس‏
  • (The curse blinds him), because, if he regard himself as naught, (if) he regard the wound (his moral and spiritual blindness) as deadly and festering,
  • ز انکه گر او هیچ بیند خویش را ** مهلک و ناسور بیند ریش را
  • Pain will arise from such looking within, and the pain will bring him out from the veil (of self-conceit).
  • درد خیزد زین چنین دیدن درون ** درد او را از حجاب آرد برون‏