In this world thou hast become clothed and rich: when thou comest forth from here, how wilt thou do?
در جهان پوشیده گشتی و غنی ** چون برون آیی از اینجا چون کنی
Learn such a trade that hereafter the earning of God’s forgiveness may come in as revenue (to thee).
پیشهای آموز کاندر آخرت ** اندر آید دخل کسب مغفرت
Yonder world is a city full of trafficking and earning: think not that the earnings here (in this world) are a sufficiency.2595
آن جهان شهری است پر بازار و کسب ** تا نپنداری که کسب اینجاست حسب
The high God hath said that beside those (the next world’s) earnings these earnings in the (present) world are (but) children’s play––
حق تعالی گفت کاین کسب جهان ** پیش آن کسب است لعب کودکان
As a child that embraces another child modo coitum facientis contactum facit; [As a child that embraces another child touches (the other) like an (adult) copulater.]
همچو آن طفلی که بر طفلی تند ** شکل صحبت کن مساسی میکند
(Or as) children at play set up a shop, (but) it is of no use (to them) except as a pastime.
کودکان سازند در بازی دکان ** سود نبود جز که تعبیر زبان
Night falls, and he (the child who acted as shopkeeper comes home hungry: the (other) children are gone, and he is let alone.
شب شود در خانه آید گرسنه ** کودکان رفته بمانده یک تنه
This world is a playground, and death is the night: thou returnest with an empty purse, tired out.2600
این جهان بازیگه است و مرگ شب ** باز گردی کیسه خالی پر تعب
The earnings of religion are love and inward rapture––capacity to receive the Light of God, O thou obstinate one!
کسب دین عشق است و جذب اندرون ** قابلیت نور حق دان ای حرون
This vile fleshly soul desires thee to earn that which passeth away: how long wilt thou earn what is vile? Let it go! Enough!
کسب فانی خواهدت این نفس خس ** چند کسب خس کنی بگذار بس