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  • The Prophet has declared that God said, ‘My purpose in creating was to do good: 2635
  • گفت پیغمبر که حق فرموده است ** قصد من از خلق احسان بوده است‏
  • I created to the intent that they (My creatures) might draw some gain from Me, and that they might smear their hands with My honey;
  • آفریدم تا ز من سودی کنند ** تا ز شهدم دست‏آلودی کنند
  • Not to the end that I might draw some gain (from them), and that I might tear off a coat from one (who is) naked.’
  • نی برای آن که تا سودی کنم ** و ز برهنه من قبایی بر کنم‏
  • During the short while since He drove me from His presence, mine eye hath remained (fixed) upon His beauteous face;
  • چند روزی که ز پیشم رانده است ** چشم من در روی خوبش مانده است‏
  • (And my thought has always been), ‘Such wrath from such a face! Oh, wonderful!’ (whereas) every one (else) has become occupied with (considering) the (secondary) cause (His wrath).
  • کز چنان رویی چنین قهر ای عجب ** هر کسی مشغول گشته در سبب‏
  • I do not look at the cause (His wrath), which is temporal, inasmuch as the temporal (only) produces something temporal (like itself). 2640
  • من سبب را ننگرم کان حادث است ** ز انکه حادث حادثی را باعث است‏
  • I am regarding (His eternally) precedent mercy: whatsoever is temporal I rend in twain.
  • لطف سابق را نظاره می‏کنم ** هر چه آن حادث دو پاره می‏کنم‏
  • Grant that my declining to worship (Adam) was from envy; (yet) that envy arises from love (of God), not from denial (of obedience to His command).
  • ترک سجده از حسد گیرم که بود ** آن حسد از عشق خیزد نز جحود
  • ’Tis certain, all envy arises from love, (for fear) lest another become the companion of the beloved.
  • هر حسد از دوستی خیزد یقین ** که شود با دوست غیری همنشین‏
  • Brooding jealousy is the necessary consequence of love, just as saying ‘Live long!’ must follow the sneeze.
  • هست شرط دوستی غیرت پزی ** همچو شرط عطسه گفتن دیر زی‏