- Those who trade with the prophets have gained (thereby); those who trade with colour and scent (worldly vanities) are blind and blue (miserable).
- تاجران انبیا کردند سود ** تاجران رنگ و بو کور و کبود
- The snake (már) appears in the eye as riches (mál): rub both your eyes well!
- مینماید مار اندر چشم مال ** هر دو چشم خویش را نیکو بمال
- Do not consider the happiness of this (worldly) traffic and profit: consider the perdition of Pharaoh and Thamúd. 2945
- منگر اندر غبطهی این بیع و سود ** بنگر اندر خسر فرعون و ثمود
- On making trial of everything, so that the good and evil which are in it may be brought to view.
- امتحان هر چیزی تا ظاهر شود خیر و شری که در وی است
- Contemplate the sky repeatedly, for God hath said, Then turn thy gaze again (towards it).
- اندر این گردون مکرر کن نظر ** ز انکه حق فرمود ثم ارجع بصر
- As regards this roof of light, be not content with one look: look (many) times, see, Are there any flaws?
- یک نظر قانع مشو زین سقف نور ** بارها بنگر ببین هل من فطور
- Since He hath told you to look ofttimes at this goodly roof, as a man seeking faults,
- چون که گفتت کاندر این سقف نکو ** بارها بنگر چو مرد عیب جو
- You may know, then, how much seeing and discerning the dark earth needs, to gain approval.
- پس زمین تیره را دانی که چند ** دیدن و تمییز باید در پسند
- In order that we may strain the pure (folk) from the dregs, how much tribulation must our minds endure! 2950
- تا بپالاییم صافان را ز درد ** چند باید عقل ما را رنج برد
- The trials of winter and autumn, the heat of summer, spring like the spirit (of life),
- امتحانهای زمستان و خزان ** تاب تابستان بهار همچو جان
- Winds and clouds and lightnings—(all these are to the end) that (such) happenings may bring distinctions into view;
- بادها و ابرها و برقها ** تا پدید آرد عوارض فرقها