Nihil est religio et precatio ejus nisi penis: his thought has borne him down to the lowest depth. [His religion and his prayer (is) nothing but the penis: his thought has borne him down to the lowest depth. ]
جز ذکر نه دین او و ذکر او ** سوی اسفل برد او را فکر او
Though he rise to the sky, be not afraid of him, for (it is only) in love of lowness (degradation) he has studied (and gained eminence).
گر بر آید بر فلک از وی مترس ** کاو بعشق سفل آموزید درس
He gallops his horse towards lowness, albeit he rings the bell (proclaims that he is going) aloft.
او بسوی سفل میراند فرس ** گر چه سوی علو جنباند جرس
What is there to fear from the flags of beggars?—for those flags are (but) a means for (getting) a mouthful of bread.
از علمهای گدایان ترس چیست ** کان علمها لقمهی نان را رهی است
Timet puer quidam hominem corpulentum. “Ne timueris,” inquit, “O puer; ego enim vir non sum.” [About a boy’s fear of the corpulent man and how that person said, “Don’t be afraid, O boy, since I am not manly.”]
ترسیدن کودک از آن شخص صاحب جثه و گفتن آن شخص که ای کودک مترس که من نامردم
Juvenis robustus puerum deprehendit solum. Palluit timore puer ne forte homo impetum faceret. [A stout youth found a boy alone. The boy turned pale from fear of the man’s intention (to attack).]3155
کنگ زفتی کودکی را یافت فرد ** زرد شد کودک ز بیم قصد مرد
“Securus esto,” inquit, “mi pulcher; tu enim super me eris.” [He (the man) said, “Be secure, O my lovely one, since you will be on top of me. ]
گفت ایمن باش ای زیبای من ** که تو خواهی بود بر بالای من
Etiamsi terribilis (aspectu) sum, scito me impotentem esse ad coitum: me sicut camelum conscende, propelle.” [“Although I am dreadful (in appearance), know me (to be an impotent) catamite. Mount me like a camel (and) thrust.”]
من اگر هولم مخنث دان مرا ** همچو اشتر بر نشین میران مرا
(With) the appearance of men and the reality like this— Adam without, the accursed Devil within—
صورت مردان و معنی این چنین ** از برون آدم درون دیو لعین
O you that are big as the people of ‘Ád, you resemble the drum against which a branch was beaten by the wind.
آن دهل را مانی ای زفت چو عاد ** که بر او آن شاخ را میکوفت باد
A fox abandoned his prey for the sake of a drum like a wind-filled leathern bag,3160
روبهی اشکار خود را باد داد ** بهر طبلی همچو خیک پر ز باد