- Every unworthy one's hand makes thee ill: come to thy mother that she may take care of thee.”
- دست هر نااهل بیمارت کند ** سوی مادر آ که تیمارت کند
- Know, O friend, that such is the affection of the fool: the fool ever walks crookedly on the way.
- مهر جاهل را چنین دان ای رفیق ** کژ رود جاهل همیشه در طریق
- The King's day became late (far-spent) in searching (for the falcon): he went (at last) to the old woman and the tent (where she lived).
- روز شه در جستجو بیگاه شد ** سوی آن کمپیر و آن خرگاه شد
- Suddenly he espied the falcon amidst smoke and dust: the King wept sorely over it and made lament. 330
- دید ناگه باز را در دود و گرد ** شه بر او بگریست زار و نوحه کرد
- He said, “Albeit this is the retribution for thy deed, in that thou art not firm in keeping faith with me,
- گفت هر چند این جز ای کار تست ** که نباشی در وفای ما درست
- (Yet) how shouldst thou take flight from Paradise to Hell, heedless of (the text) the people of the Fire (and those of Paradise) are not equal?
- چون کنی از خلد زی دوزخ فرار ** غافل از لا یستوی اصحاب نار
- This is the fitting reward for one that unconscionably flees from the King who knows (him) well to the house of an old hag.”
- این سزای آن که از شاه خبیر ** خیره بگریزد به خانهی گنده پیر
- (Meanwhile) the falcon was rubbing its wings against the King's hand: without tongue it was saying, “I have sinned.”
- باز میمالید پر بر دست شاه ** بیزبان میگفت من کردم گناه
- Where then should the vile (sinner) plead piteously, where should he moan, if Thou wilt accept naught but good, O bountiful (King)? 335
- پس کجا زارد کجا نالد لئیم ** گر تو نپذیری بجز نیک ای کریم
- The King's grace makes the soul sin-seeking, because the King makes every foul thing fair.
- لطف شه جان را جنایت جو کند ** ز آنکه شه هر زشت را نیکو کند