- That repenting and (crying) “O Lord!” are gone from him: fivefold rust has settled on the mirror (of his heart). 3380
- آن پشیمانی و یا رب رفت از او ** شست بر آیینه زنگ پنج تو
- The coats of rust have began to eat his iron (mirror): the rust has begun to lessen its sheen.
- آهنش را زنگها خوردن گرفت ** گوهرش را زنگ کم کردن گرفت
- When you write upon white paper, that writing may be read at sight.
- چون نویسی کاغذ اسپید بر ** آن نبشته خوانده آید در نظر
- When you write script over that which has been (already) written, it is not understood: the reading of it will be erroneous;
- چون نویسی بر سر بنوشته خط ** فهم ناید خواندنش گردد غلط
- For that (second) blackness has fallen (been made) upon blackness; (hence) both scripts have become obscure and have given no meaning.
- کان سیاهی بر سیاهی اوفتاد ** هر دو خط شد کور و معنیی نداد
- And if you write a third time on the top of it, then you make it black as a soul full of wickedness. 3385
- ور سوم باره نویسی بر سرش ** پس سیه کردی چو جان کافرش
- What help is there, then, but (to take) refuge with (God) the Helper? Despair is copper, and the elixir for it is (God's) regard.
- پس چه چاره جز پناه چارهگر ** ناامیدی مس و اکسیرش نظر
- Lay your despairs before Him, that ye may escape from irremediable pain.
- ناامیدیها به پیش او نهید ** تا ز درد بیدوا بیرون جهید
- When Shu‘ayb had told him these deep sayings, at that breath of the spirit roses blossomed in his heart.
- چون شعیب این نکتهها با او بگفت ** ز آن دم جان در دل او گل شکفت
- His soul hearkened to the inspiration from Heaven; he said, (however), “If He hath punished me, where is the sign?”
- جان او بشنید وحی آسمان ** گفت اگر بگرفت ما را کو نشان