- Kill the snake of lust in tribulation; else, look you, your snake is become a dragon.
- مار شهوت را بکش در ابتدا ** ور نه اینک گشت مارت اژدها
- But every one deems his own snake an ant: do you (then) seek the explanation of yourself (your real state) from him that is lord of the heart.
- لیک هر کس مور بیند مار خویش ** تو ز صاحب دل کن استفسار خویش
- Until copper becomes gold, it does not know itself to be copper: until the heart becomes a king, it does not know itself to be an insolvent.
- تا نشد زر مس نداند من مسم ** تا نشد شه دل نداند مفلسم
- Do service to the elixir, like copper: endure oppression, O heart, from him that holds the heart in fee. 3475
- خدمت اکسیر کن مسوار تو ** جور میکش ای دل از دل دار تو
- Who is it that holds the heart in fee? Know well, it is the lords of the heart who, like day and night, are recoiling from the world.
- کیست دل دار اهل دل نیکو بدان ** که چو روز و شب جهانند از جهان
- Do not find fault with the Servant of God: do not suspect the King of being a thief.
- عیب کم گو بندهی الله را ** متهم کم کن به دزدی شاه را
- The miracles of the dervish who was suspected of theft in a ship.
- کرامات آن درویش که در کشتی متهمش کردند
- A dervish was in a ship: he had made a bolster (for himself) from the goods of saintly fortitude.
- بود درویشی درون کشتیی ** ساخته از رخت مردی پشتیی
- A purse of gold was lost. He was asleep (at the time). They searched all (in the ship) and brought him also to view
- یاوه شد همیان زر او خفته بود ** جمله را جستند و او را هم نمود
- Saying, “Let us search this sleeping mendicant as well.” (So) the owner of the money, (excited) by grief, awakened him. 3480
- کاین فقیر خفته را جوییم هم ** کرد بیدارش ز غم صاحب درم
- “A bag of valuables,” said he, “has been lost in this ship. We have searched the whole company: you cannot escape (suspicion).
- که در این کشتی حرمدان گمشدست ** جمله را جستیم نتوانی تو رست