- A dervish was in a ship: he had made a bolster (for himself) from the goods of saintly fortitude.
- بود درویشی درون کشتیی ** ساخته از رخت مردی پشتیی
- A purse of gold was lost. He was asleep (at the time). They searched all (in the ship) and brought him also to view
- یاوه شد همیان زر او خفته بود ** جمله را جستند و او را هم نمود
- Saying, “Let us search this sleeping mendicant as well.” (So) the owner of the money, (excited) by grief, awakened him. 3480
- کاین فقیر خفته را جوییم هم ** کرد بیدارش ز غم صاحب درم
- “A bag of valuables,” said he, “has been lost in this ship. We have searched the whole company: you cannot escape (suspicion).
- که در این کشتی حرمدان گمشدست ** جمله را جستیم نتوانی تو رست
- Put off your dervish-cloak, strip yourself of it, in order that the people's suspicions may be cleared away from you.”
- دلق بیرون کن برهنه شو ز دلق ** تا ز تو فارغ شود اوهام خلق
- He cried, “O Lord, these vile wretches have made an accusation against Thy slave: bring Thy command to pass!”
- گفت یا رب مر غلامت را خسان ** متهم کردند فرمان در رسان
- When the heart of the dervish was pained by that (suspicion), at once there put forth their heads on every side
- چون به درد آمد دل درویش از آن ** سر برون کردند هر سو در زمان
- From the deep sea myriads of fishes, and in the mouth of each (was) a superb pearl: 3485
- صد هزاران ماهی از دریای ژرف ** در دهان هر یکی دری شگرف
- Myriads of fishes out of the full sea, each with a pearl in its mouth—and what (marvellous) pearls!—
- صد هزاران ماهی از دریای پر ** در دهان هر یکی در و چه در
- Every pearl the revenue of a kingdom. “These,” they said (to him), “are from God, they have no association (with any one but God).”
- هر یکی دری خراج ملکتی ** کز اله است این ندارد شرکتی