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  • In speech he is garrulous as a bell; in eating he eats more than twenty persons;
  • And if he sleep, he is like the Men of the Cave.” (Thus) did the Súfís march to war (against him) before the Shaykh. 3510
  • The Shaykh turned his face towards that dervish, saying, “In every case that exists, take the middle (course).
  • (It is stated) in Tradition that the best things are the mean (those between the two extremes): the (four) humours are beneficial through being in equipoise.
  • If by accident (any) one humour become excessive, disease appears in the human body.
  • Do not exceed in (any) quality him that is thy yoke-fellow, for that will assuredly bring about separation (between you) in the end.
  • The speech of Moses was in measure, but even so it exceeded the words of his good friend. 3515
  • That excess resulted in (his) opposing Khadir; and he (Khadir) said, ‘Go, thou art one that talks too much: this is a (cause of) separation (between us).’
  • O (thou who resemblest) Moses, thou art garrulous. Go far off, or else be dumb with me and blind!
  • And if thou goest not, but remainest sitting (here) in despite (of me), thou art gone in reality and severed (from my company).”