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  • In order that the ignorant astronomer may know that this cycle is thy cycle, not the cycle of the moon.
  • تا بداند سعد و نحس بی‏خبر ** دور تست این دور نه دور قمر
  • It is thy cycle, because (even) Moses, he who spoke (with God), was constantly yearning after this cycle of thine. 355
  • دور تست ایرا که موسای کلیم ** آرزو می‏برد زین دورت مقیم‏
  • When Moses beheld the splendour of thy cycle, in which the dawn of Revelation was arising,
  • چون که موسی رونق دور تو دید ** کاندر او صبح تجلی می‏دمید
  • He said, “O Lord, what cycle of mercy is that? It is beyond mercy: there (in that cycle) is vision (of Thee).
  • گفت یا رب آن چه دور رحمت است ** بر گذشت از رحمت آن جا رویت است‏
  • Plunge Thy Moses in the seas (of Time) and bring him up (to the surface) from the midst of the cycle of Ahmad (Mohammed).”
  • غوطه ده موسای خود را در بحار ** از میان دوره‏ی احمد بر آر
  • God said, “O Moses, on that account I have shown (it) to thee; on that account I have opened to thee the way to that (spiritual) communion (with Mohammed),
  • گفت یا موسی بدان بنمودمت ** راه آن خلوت بدان بگشودمت‏
  • Because in this (present) cycle, O Kalím, thou art of that cycle (of Mohammed and canst not attain to it): draw back thy foot, for this blanket is (too) long (for thee). 360
  • که تو ز آن دوری درین دور ای کلیم ** پا بکش زیرا دراز است این گلیم‏
  • I am kind, I show My servant bread in order that desire (for it) may cause that living one to weep.
  • من کریمم نان نمایم بنده را ** تا بگریاند طمع آن زنده را
  • A mother rubs the nose of her babe, that it may wake and seek some food—
  • بینی طفلی بمالد مادری ** تا شود بیدار واجوید خوری‏
  • For it may have fallen asleep hungry unawares; and those two breasts (of her) are tingling in love for it (her babe).
  • کاو گرسنه خفته باشد بی‏خبر ** و آن دو پستان می‏خلد زو مهر در