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  • Wheresoever ye be, turn your faces towards it: this is the thing which He hath not forbidden unto you (at any time). 3745
  • حیث ما کنتم فولوا وجهکم ** نحوه هذا الذی لم ینهکم‏
  • Blind birds are we and very inept, in that we have not once recognised that Solomon.
  • کور مرغانیم و بس ناساختیم ** کان سلیمان را دمی نشناختیم‏
  • Like the owls, we have become hostile to the falcons: consequently we are left behind (to dwell) in the place of ruin.
  • همچو جغدان دشمن بازان شدیم ** لاجرم وامانده‏ی ویران شدیم‏
  • Because of (our) extreme ignorance and blindness we are seeking to hurt those honoured of God.
  • می‏کنیم از غایت جهل و عما ** قصد آزار عزیزان خدا
  • How should the flock of birds which are enlightened by Solomon tear out the wings and plumes of the innocent?
  • جمع مرغان کز سلیمان روشنند ** پر و بال بی‏گنه کی بر کنند
  • Nay, they would bring grain to the helpless ones: gentle are those birds and without pugnacity or hatred. 3750
  • بلکه سوی عاجزان چینه کشند ** بی‏خلاف و کینه آن مرغان خوشند
  • Their hoopoe, for the sake of glorifying (Solomon), unfolds the way (towards Him) to a hundred like Bilqís.
  • هدهد ایشان پی تقدیس را ** می‏گشاید راه صد بلقیس را
  • Their crow, (even) if it was a crow in outward aspect, was (really) a falcon in aspiration and (one whose gaze) turned not aside.
  • زاغ ایشان گر به صورت زاغ بود ** باز همت آمد و ما زاغ بود
  • Their stork, which cries lak lak, casts upon doubt (and disbelief) the fire of the profession of Unity;
  • لکلک ایشان که لک لک می‏زند ** آتش توحید در شک می‏زند
  • And their dove is not scared by hawks: the hawk lays his head (in homage) before their dove.
  • و آن کبوترشان ز بازان نشکهد ** باز سر پیش کبوترشان نهد