- On this account, then, the martyrs are living and joyous: do not, infidel-like, look at the body (alone),
- پس شهیدان زنده زین رویند و خوش ** تو بدان قالب بمنگر گبروش
- Since God hath given them in return the spirit of everlastingness—a spirit safe from grief and pain and misery. 385
- چون خلف دادستشان جان بقا ** جان ایمن از غم و رنج و شقا
- The debtor Shaykh acted in this fashion for years, taking and giving like a steward.
- شیخ وامی سالها این کار کرد ** میستد میداد همچون پای مرد
- He was sowing seeds till the day of death, that on the day of death he might be a most glorious prince.
- تخمها میکاشت تا روز اجل ** تا بود روز اجل میر اجل
- When the Shaykh's life reached its end and he saw in his (bodily) existence the signs of death,
- چون که عمر شیخ در آخر رسید ** در وجود خود نشان مرگ دید
- The creditors were seated together around him, (while) the Shaykh was gently melting on himself, like a candle.
- وامداران گرد او بنشسته جمع ** شیخ بر خود خوش گدازان همچو شمع
- The creditors had become despairing and sour-faced: the pain in (their) hearts was accompanied by pain in (their) lungs. 390
- وامداران گشته نومید و ترش ** درد دلها یار شد با درد شش
- “Look at these evil-thinking men,” said the Shaykh. “Hath not God four hundred gold dinars?”
- شیخ گفت این بد گمانان را نگر ** نیست حق را چار صد دینار زر
- A boy outside shouted “Halwá!” and bragged of (the excellence of) the halwá in hope of (getting) some dángs.
- کودکی حلوا ز بیرون بانگ زد ** لاف حلوا بر امید دانگ زد
- The Shaykh with (a nod of) his head directed the famulus to go and buy the whole of the halwá,
- شیخ اشارت کرد خادم را به سر ** که برو آن جمله حلوا را بخر