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  • And if it shall not see God, let it go! Let such a miserable eye become blind!”
  • Do not grieve for your eye when that Jesus is yours; do not go to the left (but to the right), that he may give you two right (sound) eyes.
  • The Jesus of your spirit is present with you: beg aid from him, for he is a goodly aider; 450
  • But do not every moment lay on the heart of (that) Jesus the unprofitable work of (providing for) a body full of bones,
  • Like the fool whom we mentioned in the story for the sake of the righteous.
  • Seek not you from your Jesus the life of the body, ask not from your Moses the wish of a Pharaoh.
  • Burden not your heart with thoughts of livelihood; livelihood will not fail: be (constant in attendance) at the (Divine) Court.
  • This body is a tent for the spirit, or like an ark for Noah. 455
  • When the Turcoman is there, he will find a tent, especially when he is one held in honour at the Court (of God).
  • Conclusion of the story of the coming to life of the bones at the prayer of Jesus, on whom be peace!
  • Jesus pronounced the Name of God over the bones on account of the young man’s entreaty.