- “They,” said the Cadi, “are suspect, because they are fleeing from you and weeping blood (on account of your ill-treatment of them);
- گفت ایشان متهم باشند چون ** میگریزند از تو میگریند خون
- Also, they are suing to be delivered from you: by reason of this self-interest the testimony they give is worthless.” 645
- از تو میخواهند هم تا وارهند ** زین غرض باطل گواهی میدهند
- All the people belonging to the court of justice said, “We bear witness both to his (moral) degeneracy and his insolvency.”
- جمله اهل محکمه گفتند ما ** هم بر ادبار و بر افلاسش گوا
- Every one whom the Cadi questioned about his condition said, “My lord, wash thy hands of this insolvent.”
- هر که را پرسید قاضی حال او ** گفت مولا دست ازین مفلس بشو
- The Cadi said, “March him round the city for all to see, (and cry), ‘This man is an insolvent and a great rogue.’
- گفت قاضی کش بگردانید فاش ** گرد شهر این مفلس است و بس قلاش
- Make proclamations concerning him, street by street; beat the drum (as an advertisement) of his insolvency everywhere in open view.
- کو به کو او را مناداها زنید ** طبل افلاسش عیان هر جا زنید
- Let no one sell to him on credit, let no one lend him a farthing. 650
- هیچ کس نسیه بنفروشد بدو ** قرض ندهد هیچ کس او را تسو
- Whosoever may bring here a claim against him for fraud, I will not put him in prison any more.
- هر که دعوی آردش اینجا به فن ** بیش زندانش نخواهم کرد من
- His insolvency has been proven to me: he has nothing in his possession, (neither) money nor goods.”
- پیش من افلاس او ثابت شده است ** نقد و کالا نیستش چیزی به دست
- Man is in the prison of this world in order that peradventure his insolvency may be proven.
- آدمی در حبس دنیا ز آن بود ** تا بود کافلاس او ثابت شود