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  • If you are blind, ’tis no crime in the blind; (but) if not, go (persevere in purifying yourself), for patience is the key to success. 70
  • گر تو کوری نیست بر اعمی حرج ** ور نه رو کالصبر مفتاح الفرج‏
  • The medicine of patience will burn the veils over your eye and will also effect the opening of your breast (to Divine knowledge).
  • پرده‏های دیده را داروی صبر ** هم بسوزد هم بسازد شرح صدر
  • When the mirror of your heart becomes clear and pure, you will behold images (which are) outside of (the world of) water and earth.
  • آینه‏ی دل چون شود صافی و پاک ** نقشها بینی برون از آب و خاک‏
  • You will behold both the image and the image-Maker, both the carpet of (spiritual) empire and the carpet-Spreader.
  • هم ببینی نقش و هم نقاش را ** فرش دولت را و هم فراش را
  • The phantom (seen in mystical vision) of my Friend seemed (to me) like Khalíl (Abraham)—its form an idol, its reality a breaker of idols.
  • چون خلیل آمد خیال یار من ** صورتش بت معنی او بت شکن‏
  • Thanks be to God that when he appeared, my spirit beheld in his phantom its own phantom (reflected image). 75
  • شکر یزدان را که چون شد او پدید ** در خیالش جان خیال خود بدید
  • The dust of thy threshold was bewitching my heart: dust (woe) on him that was patient without thy dust!
  • خاک درگاهت دلم را می‏فریفت ** خاک بر وی کاو ز خاکت می‏شکیفت‏
  • I said, “If I am beautiful, I shall receive this (dust of Divine grace and love) from him; and if not, he has indeed laughed at ugly me.
  • گفتم ار خوبم پذیرم این از او ** ور نه خود خندید بر من زشت رو
  • The (best) plan is this, that I look at myself (to see whether I am worthy of him); otherwise (if I am not worthy), he will laugh at me: how shall I buy (gain his love)?”
  • چاره آن باشد که خود را بنگرم ** ور نه او خندد مرا من کی خرم‏
  • He is beautiful and a lover of beauty: how should a fresh young man choose a decrepit old woman?
  • او جمیل است و محب للجمال ** کی جوان نو گزیند پیر زال‏