- He said, “She did a deed that is a disgrace to her; I killed her because that earth (her grave) is her coverer (hides her shame).”
- گفت کاری کرد کان عار وی است ** کشتمش کان خاک ستار وی است
- The other said, “O honoured sir, kill that one (who was her partner in guilt).” “Then,” he replied, “I should kill a man every day. 780
- گفت آن کس را بکش ای محتشم ** گفت پس هر روز مردی را کشم
- I killed her, I was saved from shedding the blood of a multitude: ’tis better that I cut her throat than the throats of (so many) people.”
- کشتم او را رستم از خونهای خلق ** نای او برم به است از نای خلق
- That mother of bad character, whose wickedness is in every quarter, is your fleshly soul.
- نفس تست آن مادر بد خاصیت ** که فساد اوست در هر ناحیت
- Come, kill it, for on account of that vile (creature) you are every moment assailing one who is venerable.
- هین بکش او را که بهر آن دنی ** هر دمی قصد عزیزی میکنی
- Through it this fair world is narrow (distressful) to you, for its sake (you are at) war with God and man.
- از وی این دنیای خوش بر تست تنگ ** از پی او با حق و با خلق جنگ
- (If) you have killed the fleshly soul, you are delivered from (the necessity of) excusing yourself: nobody in the world remains your enemy. 785
- نفس کشتی باز رستی ز اعتذار ** کس ترا دشمن نماند در دیار
- If any one should raise a difficulty about my words in regard to the prophets and saints,
- گر شکال آرد کسی بر گفت ما ** از برای انبیا و اولیا
- (And should say), “Had not the prophets a killed (mortified) fleshly soul? Why, then, had they enemies and enviers?”—
- کانبیا را نه که نفس کشته بود ** پس چراشان دشمنان بود و حسود
- Give ear, O seeker of truth, and hear the answer to this difficulty and doubt.
- گوش کن تو ای طلبکار صواب ** بشنو این اشکال و شبهت را جواب