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  • That Devil (Satan), through the shame and disgrace of inferiority (to Adam), cast himself into a hundred damnations.
  • آن بلیس از ننگ و عار کمتری ** خویش را افکند در صد ابتری‏
  • Because of envy, he wished to be at the top. At the top, forsooth! Nay, (he wished) to be a blood-shedder.
  • از حسد می‏خواست تا بالا بود ** خود چه بالا بلکه خون‏پالا بود
  • Abú Jahl was put to shame by Mohammed, and because of envy was raising himself to the top.
  • آن ابو جهل از محمد ننگ داشت ** وز حسد خود را به بالا می‏فراشت‏
  • His name was Abu ’l-Hakam, and he became Abú Jahl: oh, many a worthy has become unworthy because of envy.
  • بو الحکم نامش بد و بو جهل شد ** ای بسا اهل از حسد نااهل شد
  • I have not seen in the world of search and seeking (trial and probation) any worthiness better than a good disposition. 810
  • من ندیدم در جهان جست و جو ** هیچ اهلیت به از خوی نکو
  • God made the prophets the medium (between Him and His creatures) in order that feelings of envy should be displayed in the agitation (produced by something that rankles in the mind).
  • انبیا را واسطه ز آن کرد حق ** تا پدید آید حسدها در قلق‏
  • Inasmuch as no one was disgraced by (inferiority to) God, no one was (ever) envious of God;
  • ز انکه کس را از خدا عاری نبود ** حاسد حق هیچ دیاری نبود
  • (But) the person whom he deemed like himself—he would bear envy against him for that reason.
  • آن کسی کش مثل خود پنداشتی ** ز آن سبب با او حسد برداشتی‏
  • (Now), as the grandeur of the Prophet has become established, none feels envy (of him), since he is accepted (by all the Faithful);
  • چون مقرر شد بزرگی رسول ** پس حسد ناید کسی را از قبول‏
  • Therefore in every epoch (after Mohammed) a saint arises (to act as his vicegerent): the probation (of the people) lasts until the Resurrection. 815
  • پس به هر دوری ولیی قایم است ** تا قیامت آزمایش دایم است‏