- In an Adam who was without like or equal the eye of Iblís discerned naught but a piece of clay.
- ز آدمی که بود بی مثل و ندید ** دیده ابلیس جز طینی ندید
- The devilish eye showed (saw) his (Adam's) spring as winter: it moved in the direction where its (original) home was. 2760
- چشم دیوانه بهارش دی نمود ** زان طرف جنبید کو را خانه بود
- Oh, many a fortune that comes now and then to the unfortunate one, and he turns away (from it)!
- ای بسا دولت که آید گاه گاه ** پیش بیدولت بگردد او ز راه
- Oh, many a beloved who comes unbeknown to an ill-starred one, and he knows not how to make love!
- ای بسا معشوق کاید ناشناخت ** پیش بدبختی نداند عشق باخت
- This that misleads the eye is our (original) damnation, and this that turns the heart (from seeing the truth) is (our) evil destiny.
- این غلطده دیده را حرمان ماست ** وین مقلب قلب را س القضاست
- Since to you the idol of stone has become an object of adoration, the curse (of God) and blindness have o’ershadowed you.
- چون بت سنگین شما را قبله شد ** لعنت و کوری شما را ظله شد
- When your stone is a fitting partner for God, how are not intellect and spirit fitting confidants of God? 2765
- چون بشاید سنگتان انباز حق ** چون نشاید عقل و جان همراز حق
- The dead gnat has become the consort of the humá: how (then) is the living one not fit to be the confidant of the King?
- پشهی مرده هما را شد شریک ** چون نشاید زنده همراز ملیک
- Or, maybe, (’tis because) the dead one is fashioned by you, (whereas) the living gnat is fashioned by God.
- یا مگر مرده تراشیدهی شماست ** پشهی زنده تراشیدهی خداست
- Ye are in love with yourselves and the thing manufactured by yourselves: to serpents' tails the serpent's head is a law.
- عاشق خویشید و صنعتکرد خویش ** دم ماران را سر مارست کیش