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  • Not the one who cleaves to every shop; nay, but (the one who) springs away from (phenomenal) existence and strikes upon a mine (of reality). 3950
  • Death and migration from this (earthly) abode has become as sweet to me as leaving the cage and flying (is sweet) to the (captive) bird—
  • The cage that is in the very midst of the garden, (so that) the bird beholds the rose-beds and the trees,
  • (While) outside, round the cage, a multitude of birds is sweetly chanting tales of liberty:
  • At (the sight of) that verdant place neither (desire for) food remains to the bird in the cage, nor patience and rest,
  • (But) it puts out its head through every hole, that perchance it may tear off this fetter from its leg. 3955
  • Since its heart and soul are (already) outside like this, how will it be when you open the cage?”
  • Not such is the bird caged amidst anxieties—cats round about it in a ring:
  • How, in this dread and sorrow, should it have the desire to go out of the cage?
  • It wishes that, (to save it) from this unwelcome plucking (of its feathers), there might be a hundred cages round about this cage (in which it is confined).
  • The love of (a) Galen is for this present life, for only here does his art avail; he has not practised any art that avails in yonder market: there he sees himself to be the same as the vulgar.