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  • The robber's overpowering (the merchant) was (in reality) his being overpowered (and punished), because his act of violence took away his head (life).
  • قاهری دزد مقهوریش بود ** زانک قهر او سر او را ربود
  • (His) prevailing over the merchant becomes a trap for him, in order that the magistrate may arrive and take retaliation (on the murderer).
  • غالبی بر خواجه دام او شود ** تا رسد والی و بستاند قود
  • O thou that hast become mighty over the people and art steeped in warfare and victory, 4565
  • ای که تو بر خلق چیره گشته‌ای ** در نبرد و غالبی آغشته‌ای
  • That One (God) hath purposely caused them to be routed, that all the while drawing thee on He may (at last) bring thee into the net.
  • آن به قاصد منهزم کردستشان ** تا ترا در حلقه می‌آرد کشان
  • Beware, draw rein! Do not push on in pursuit of this fugitive, lest thou have thy nostrils pierced with a nose-ring.
  • هین عنان در کش پی این منهزم ** در مران تا تو نگردی منخزم
  • When by this device He hath drawn thee into the trap, after that thou wilt see the onset (of the people) pressing in crowds (upon thee).
  • چون کشانیدت بدین شیوه به دام ** حمله بینی بعد از آن اندر زحام
  • When did the intellect (ever) rejoice in this victory, inasmuch as in this victory it saw ruin?
  • عقل ازین غالب شدن کی گشت شاد ** چون درین غالب شدن دید او فساد
  • The intellect is keen-eyed, possessed of foresight, for God hath powdered it with His own collyrium. 4570
  • تیزچشم آمد خرد بینای پیش ** که خدایش سرمه کرد از کحل خویش
  • The Prophet said that the folk of (destined for) Paradise are feeble (worsted) in quarrels, because of (their noble) accomplishments—
  • گفت پیغامبر که هستند از فنون ** اهل جنت در خصومتها زبون
  • Because of the perfection of their prudence and thinking ill (of themselves), not from deficiency (of intellect) and cowardice and weakness of (religious) faith.
  • از کمال حزم و س الظن خویش ** نه ز نقص و بد دلی و ضعف کیش