- Is in such and such a wadi beneath yonder tree.” Then the good-fortuned old man at once set out.
- در فلان وادیست زیر آن درخت ** پس روان شد زود پیر نیکبخت
- At his stirrup (were) the princes of Quraysh, for his (Mohammed's) grandfather was one of the notables of Quraysh. 1035
- در رکاب او امیران قریش ** زانک جدش بود ز اعیان قریش
- All his (Mohammed's) ancestors (reaching back) to the loins of Adam (were) lords in feast and fray and the carnage of battle.
- تا به پشت آدم اسلافش همه ** مهتران بزم و رزم و ملحمه
- This lineage is (applicable) only to his husk (body), which is strained pure (in descent) from mighty emperors.
- این نسب خود پوست او را بوده است ** کز شهنشاهان مه پالوده است
- His kernel, in sooth, is remote from lineage, and unsoiled (by contamination with mankind): none is its congener from the Fish to Arcturus.
- مغز او خود از نسب دورست و پاک ** نیست جنسش از سمک کس تا سماک
- None seeks (to know) the birth and (coming into) existence of the Light of God: what need of warp and woof hath God's robe of honour?
- نور حق را کس نجوید زاد و بود ** خلعت حق را چه حاجت تار و پود
- The meanest robe of honour that He bestows in recompense (for good works) excels the embroidered raiment of the sun. 1040
- کمترین خلعت که بدهد در ثواب ** بر فزاید بر طراز آفتاب
- The rest of the story of (the Divine) Mercy’s calling Bilqís.
- بقیهی قصهی دعوت رحمت بلقیس را
- “Arise, O Bilqís! Come and behold the Kingdom! Gather pearls on the shore of God’s Sea!
- خیز بلقیسا بیا و ملک بین ** بر لب دریای یزدان در بچین
- Thy sisters are dwelling in the glorious Heaven: why dost thou behave like a sultan on account of (possessing) a carcase?
- خواهرانت ساکن چرخ سنی ** تو بمرداری چه سلطانی کنی
- Dost thou know at all what noble gifts that Sultan (God) gave to thy sisters?
- خواهرانت را ز بخششهای راد ** هیچ میدانی که آن سلطان چه داد