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  • One party from love, and another company unwillingly, just as God’s servants (do) in the way of obedience (to Him). 1115
  • یک گروه از عشق و قومی بی‌مراد ** هم‌چنانک در ره طاعت عباد
  • The folk (of the world) are (like) demons, and desire is the chain dragging them to shop and crops.
  • خلق دیوانند و شهوت سلسله ** می‌کشدشان سوی دکان و غله
  • This chain is (the result) of being afraid (of poverty) and crazed (with worldliness): do not regard these folk as unchained.
  • هست این زنجیر از خوف و وله ** تو مبین این خلق را بی‌سلسله
  • It drags them to earning and hunting; it drags them to the mine and the seas.
  • می‌کشاندشان سوی کسب و شکار ** می‌کشاندشان سوی کان و بحار
  • It drags them to good and to evil: God hath said, “On her neck a cord of palm-fibre.
  • می‌کشدشان سوی نیک و سوی بد ** گفت حق فی جیدها حبل المسد
  • We have put the cordon their necks: We have made the cord (to consist) of their natural dispositions. 1120
  • قد جعلنا الحبل فی اعناقهم ** واتخذنا الحبل من اخلاقهم
  • There is none ever, (be he) defiled or (be he) recovered (from foul disease), but his fortune is on his neck
  • لیس من مستقذر مستنقه ** قط الا طایره فی عنقه
  • Your greed for evil-doing is like fire: the live coal (the evil deed) is (made) pleasing by the fire’s pleasing hue.
  • حرص تو در کار بد چون آتشست ** اخگر از رنگ خوش آتش خوشست
  • The blackness of the coal is hidden in the fire: when the fire is gone, the blackness becomes evident.
  • آن سیاهی فحم در آتش نهان ** چونک آتش شد سیاهی شد عیان
  • By your greed the black coal is made live: when the greed is gone, that vicious coal remains.
  • اخگر از حرص تو شد فحم سیاه ** حرص چون شد ماند آن فحم تباه