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  • Then he made inquiry, saying, “Whose work was this? Who declared my merit to the king?”
  • پس تفحص کرد کین سعی کی بود ** شاه را اهلیت من کی نمود
  • So they told him, “(It was) —— al-Dín, the vizier, he whose name is Hasan and whose disposition and heart are good (hasan).”
  • پس بگفتندش فلان‌الدین وزیر ** آن حسن نام و حسن خلق و ضمیر
  • He wrote a long poem in praise of him (the vizier) and returned home.
  • در ثنای او یکی شعری دراز ** بر نبشت و سوی خانه رفت باز
  • Without tongue or lip (mutely) that bounty of the king and those robes of honour bestowed by the king were praising the king. 1165
  • بی‌زبان و لب همان نعمای شاه ** مدح شه می‌کرد و خلعتهای شاه
  • How after several years the poet came back in the hope of (receiving) the same reward, and how the king according to his custom ordered a thousand dinars to be given to him, and how the new vizier, who was also named Hasan, said to the king, "This is very much: we have (great) expenses and the treasury is empty, and I will satisfy him with a tenth of that (sum)."
  • باز آمدن آن شاعر بعد چند سال به امید همان صله و هزار دینار فرمودن بر قاعده‌ی خویش و گفتن وزیر نو هم حسن نام شاه را کی این سخت بسیارست و ما را خرجهاست و خزینه خالیست و من او را بده یک آن خشنود کنم
  • After some years the poet, on account of poverty and destitution, became in need for daily bread and seed-produce (the means of livelihood).
  • بعد سالی چند بهر رزق و کشت ** شاعر از فقر و عوز محتاج گشت
  • He said, “At the time of poverty and close-handedness (want), it is better to seek out one who has been tried.
  • گفت وقت فقر و تنگی دو دست ** جست و جوی آزموده بهترست
  • The court which I have tried in regard to generosity—I will carry the new request to the same quarter.”
  • درگهی را که آزمودم در کرم ** حاجت نو را بدان جانب برم
  • That (celebrated) Síbawayh said (that) the meaning of (the name) Alláh (is that) they (His worshippers) take refuge (yawlahúna) with Him in (all) their needs.
  • معنی الله گفت آن سیبویه ** یولهون فی الحوائج هم لدیه
  • He said, “We have repaired for succour (alihná) unto Thee in our needs and have sought them (and) found them with Thee.” 1170
  • گفت الهنا فی حوائجنا الیک ** والتمسناها وجدناها لدیک
  • In the hour of affliction hundreds of thousands of intelligent persons are all crying (for help) before that unique Judge.
  • صد هزاران عاقل اندر وقت درد ** جمله نالان پیش آن دیان فرد