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  • The elephant and the wolf and also the hunting lion, the huge dragon and also the ant and the snake, 1175
  • پیل و گرگ و حیدر اشکار نیز ** اژدهای زفت و مور و مار نیز
  • Nay, earth and wind (air) and water and every spark (of fire) gain subsistence from Him both in December (winter) and spring.
  • بلک خاک و باد و آب و هر شرار ** مایه زو یابند هم دی هم بهار
  • This heaven is making entreaty unto Him incessantly—“Do not forsake me, O God, for a single moment!
  • هر دمش لابه کند این آسمان ** که فرو مگذارم ای حق یک زمان
  • Thy safeguarding and protection (of me) is my pillar (support): all (of me) is enfolded in the might of those two Hands.”
  • استن من عصمت و حفظ تو است ** جمله مطوی یمین آن دو دست
  • And this earth says, “Preserve me, O Thou who hast caused me to ride upon the water.”
  • وین زمین گوید که دارم بر قرار ** ای که بر آبم تو کردستی سوار
  • All have sewn up (filled) their purses from Him and have learned from Him to give (satisfy) the wants (of others). 1180
  • جملگان کیسه ازو بر دوختند ** دادن حاجت ازو آموختند
  • Every prophet has received (on behalf of his people) from Him the guarantee (implied in the words) seek help of Him with patience or prayer.
  • هر نبیی زو برآورده برات ** استعینوا منه صبرا او صلات
  • Come, ask of Him, not of any one except Him: seek water in the sea, do not seek it in the dry river-bed.
  • هین ازو خواهید نه از غیر او ** آب در یم جو مجو در خشک جو
  • And if you ask of another, ’tis He that gives; ’tis He that lays generosity on the open hand of his (that other's) inclination.
  • ور بخواهی از دگر هم او دهد ** بر کف میلش سخا هم او نهد
  • He who with gold makes one that turns away (from Him in disobedience) a Qárún (Korah), how (much more) will He do (if) you turn your face towards Him in obedience!
  • آنک معرض را ز زر قارون کند ** رو بدو آری به طاعت چون کند