- And in his place a new vizier had assumed authority; but (he was) very pitiless and mean.
- بر مقام او وزیر نو رئیس ** گشته لیکن سخت بیرحم و خسیس
- He said, “O king, we have (great) outlays: this donation is not the (fitting) reward for a poet.
- گفت ای شه خرجها داریم ما ** شاعری را نبود این بخشش جزا
- With a fortieth part of this (sum), O thou (whose favour is) eagerly sought, I will make the poet man happy and content.”
- من به ربع عشر این ای مغتنم ** مرد شاعر را خوش و راضی کنم
- The people said to him, “He carried away a sum of ten thousand (dinars) in ready money from this valiant (king).
- خلق گفتندش که او از پیشدست ** ده هزاران زین دلاور برده است
- After (having eaten) sugar, how should he chew (the empty) cane? After having been a sultan, how should he practise beggary?” 1215
- بعد شکر کلک خایی چون کند ** بعد سلطانی گدایی چون کند
- He (the vizier) replied, “I will squeeze him in torment, that he may be made wretched and worn out by waiting;
- گفت بفشارم ورا اندر فشار ** تا شود زار و نزار از انتظار
- Then, if I give him earth from the road, he will snatch it as (though it were) rose-leaves from the garden.
- آنگه ار خاکش دهم از راه من ** در رباید همچو گلبرگ از چمن
- Leave this to me, for I am expert in this, even if the claimant be fiery (hot and fierce).
- این به من بگذار که استادم درین ** گر تقاضاگر بود هر آتشین
- Though he (be able to) fly from the Pleiades to the earth, he will become meek when he sees me.”
- از ثریا گر بپرد تا ثری ** نرم گردد چون ببیند او مرا
- The king said to him, “Go: ’tis for thee to command; but make him happy, for he is my eulogist.” 1220
- گفت سلطانش برو فرمان تراست ** لیک شادش کن که نیکوگوی ماست