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  • The breath does not become speech without (assuming the quality of) gentleness or harshness: it is honey for one set of people and poison for another class.
  • The fan is moving for the benefit of the (favoured) person, and for the subjugation of every fly and gnat.
  • Why (then) should not the fan of Divine fore-ordainment be fraught with trial and probation (by means of good and evil)?
  • Inasmuch as the part, namely, the wind of the breath or the fan, is naught but a cause of injury or advantage,
  • How should this north-wind and this east-wind and this west- wind be remote from (showing) favour and conferring bounty? 140
  • Look at a handful of wheat froth a granary, and apprehend that the whole of it will be just like this (handful).
  • How should the whole of the wind rush forth from the mansion of the wind in Heaven without (being impelled by) the fan of that Driver of the wind?
  • Is it not the fact that at winnowing-time the labourers on the threshing-floor beseech God for wind,
  • In order that the straws may be separated from the wheat, so that it may go into a granary or pits?
  • When the blowing wind is long delayed, you may see them all making humble entreaty to God. 145