- Sell intelligence and buy bewilderment: intelligence is opinion, while bewilderment is (immediate) vision.
- زیرکی بفروش و حیرانی بخر ** زیرکی ظنست و حیرانی نظر
- Sacrifice your understanding in the presence of Mustafá (Mohammed) say, “hasbiya ‘lláh, for God sufficeth me.”
- عقل قربان کن به پیش مصطفی ** حسبی الله گو که اللهام کفی
- Do not draw back your head from the ship (ark), like Kan‘án (Canaan), whom his intelligent soul deluded,
- همچو کنعان سر ز کشتی وا مکش ** که غرورش داد نفس زیرکش
- Saying, “I will go up to the top of the lofty mountain: why must I bear gratitude (be under an obligation) to Noah?” 1410
- که برآیم بر سر کوه مشید ** منت نوحم چرا باید کشید
- How should you recoil from being grateful to him, O unrighteous one, when even God bears gratitude to him?
- چون رمى از منتش اى بىرشد ** كه خدا هم منت او مىكشد
- How should gratitude to him not be (as an obligation) on our souls, when God gives him words of thankful praise and gratitude?
- چون رمی از منتش بر جان ما ** چونک شکر و منتش گوید خدا
- What do you know (about his exalted state), O sack full of envy? Even God bears gratitude to him.
- تو چه دانی ای غرارهی پر حسد ** منت او را خدا هم میکشد
- Would that he (one like Kan‘án) had not learned to swim, so that he might have fixed his hope on Noah and the ark!
- کاشکی او آشنا ناموختی ** تا طمع در نوح و کشتی دوختی
- Would that, like a child, he had been ignorant of devices, so that, like children, he might have clung to his mother, 1415
- کاش چون طفل از حیل جاهل بدی ** تا چو طفلان چنگ در مادر زدی
- Or that he had not been filled with traditional knowledge, (but) had carried away from a saint the knowledge divinely revealed to the heart!
- یا به علم نقل کم بودی ملی ** علم وحی دل ربودی از ولی