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  • Make yourself foolish (simple) and follow behind (him): only by means of this foolishness will you gain deliverance.
  • خویش ابله کن تبع می‌رو سپس ** رستگی زین ابلهی یابی و بس
  • On this account, O father, the Sultan of mankind (Mohammed hath said, “Most of the people of Paradise are the foolish.” 1420
  • اکثر اهل الجنه البله ای پسر ** بهر این گفتست سلطان البشر
  • Since, intelligence is the exciter of pride and vanity in you, become a fool in order that your heart may remain sound—
  • زیرکی چون کبر و باد انگیز تست ** ابلهی شو تا بماند دل درست
  • Not the fool that is bent double (abases himself) in buffoonery, (but) the fool that is distraught and bewildered (lost) in Him (God).
  • ابلهی نه کو به مسخرگی دوتوست ** ابلهی کو واله و حیران هوست
  • The foolish are (like) those women (of Egypt) who cut their hands—foolish in respect of their hands, (but) giving (wise) notice to beware of the face (beauty) of Joseph.
  • ابلهان‌اند آن زنان دست بر ** از کف ابله وز رخ یوسف نذر
  • Sacrifice your intellect in love for the Friend: anyhow, (all) intellects are from the quarter where He is.
  • عقل را قربان کن اندر عشق دوست ** عقلها باری از آن سویست کوست
  • The (spiritually) intelligent have sent their intellects to that quarter: (only) the dolt has remained in this quarter where the’ Beloved is not. 1425
  • عقلها آن سو فرستاده عقول ** مانده این سو که نه معشوقست گول
  • If, from bewilderment, this intellect of yours go out of this head, every head (tip) of your hair will become (a new) head and intellect.
  • زین سر از حیرت گر این عقلت رود ** هر سو مویت سر و عقلی شود
  • In that quarter the trouble of thinking is. not (incumbent) on the brain, for (there) the brain and intellect (spontaneously) produce fields and orchards (of spiritual knowledge).
  • نیست آن سو رنج فکرت بر دماغ ** که دماغ و عقل روید دشت و باغ
  • (If you turn) towards the field, you will hear from the field a subtle discourse; (if) you come to the orchard, your palm- tree will become fresh and flourishing.
  • سوی دشت از دشت نکته بشنوی ** سوی باغ آیی شود نخلت روی