- If they (that desire the wind) are not aware that He is its Driver, then what disposes (them) to pray piteously for the wind?
- گر نمیدانند کش راننده اوست ** باد را پس کردن زاری چه خوست
- Likewise, those in ship are desirous of the wind: they all are begging for it from the Lord of Mankind.
- اهل کشتی همچنین جویای باد ** جمله خواهانش از آن رب العباد
- Likewise, in (the case of) toothache you beg ardently and earnestly to be defended from the wind.
- همچنین در درد دندانها ز باد ** دفع میخواهی بسوز و اعتقاد
- The soldiers beseech God humbly, saying, “Give (us) the wind of victory, O Thou whose every wish is fulfilled!” 150
- از خدا لابهکنان آن جندیان ** که بده باد ظفر ای کامران
- Also, in the throes of childbirth, folk beg from every venerated (saint) a piece of paper inscribed with a charm (against evil).
- رقعهی تعویذ میخواهند نیز ** در شکنجهی طلق زن از هر عزیز
- Therefore all have known for certain that the wind is sent by the Lord of created beings.
- پس همه دانستهاند آن را یقین ** که فرستد باد ربالعالمین
- Therefore in the mind of every one possessing knowledge this is certain, that with everything that moves there is a mover.
- پس یقین در عقل هر داننده هست ** اینک با جنبنده جنباننده هست
- If you do not see him visibly, apprehend him by means of the manifestation of the effect.
- گر تو او را مینبینی در نظر ** فهم کن آن را به اظهار اثر
- The body is moved by the spirit: you do not seethe spirit; but from the movement of the body know the spirit (to be its mover). 155
- تن به جان جنبد نمیبینی تو جان ** لیک از جنبیدن تن جان بدان
- He (the lover) said, “If I am foolish in manners, I am wise in respect of faithfulness and (eager) pursuit.”
- گفت او گر ابلهم من در ادب ** زیرکم اندر وفا و در طلب