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  • Oh, alas, ’tis harvest-time, but by our (ill) fortune the day has become late.
  • ای دریغا وقت خرمنگاه شد ** لیک روز از بخت ما بیگاه شد
  • Time is pressing, and the amplitude of this (subject of) discussion (is such that) a perpetual life will be (too) restricted for it. 1485
  • وقت تنگست و فراخی این کلام ** تنگ می‌آید برو عمر دوام
  • To dart the lance in these narrow lanes brings to disgrace those who dart the lance.
  • نیزه‌بازی اندرین کوه‌های تنگ ** نیزه‌بازان را همی آرد به تنگ
  • The time is narrow (limited), and the mind and understanding of the vulgar is narrower a hundredfold than the time, O youth.
  • وقت تنگ و خاطر و فهم عوام ** تنگ‌تر صد ره ز وقت است ای غلام
  • Inasmuch as silence is the (proper) reply to the fool, how art thou thus prolonging the discourse?
  • چون جواب احمق آمد خامشی ** این درازی در سخن چون می‌کشی
  • (Because) He (God), from the perfection of His mercy and the waves of His bounty, bestows rain and moisture on every barren soil.
  • از کمال رحمت و موج کرم ** می‌دهد هر شوره را باران و نم
  • Showing that (the proverb), "Omission to reply is a reply," confirms the saying that silence is the (proper) reply to the fool. The explanation of both these (sayings) is (contained) in the story which will now be related.
  • در بیان آنک ترک الجواب جواب مقرر این سخن کی جواب الاحمق سکوت شرح این هر دو درین قصه است کی گفته می‌آید
  • There was a king: he had a slave; he (the slave) was one whose reason was dead and whose lust was alive. 1490
  • بود شاهی بود او را بنده‌ای ** مرده عقلی بود و شهوت‌زنده‌ای
  • He would neglect the niceties of service to him (the king): he was thinking evil and deeming (it) good.
  • خرده‌های خدمتش بگذاشتی ** بد سگالیدی نکو پنداشتی
  • The monarch said, “Reduce his allowance, and if he wrangle strike his name off the roll.”
  • گفت شاهنشه جرااش کم کنید ** ور بجنگد نامش از خط بر زنید
  • His reason was deficient, his cupidity excessive: when he saw the allowance reduced he became violent and refractory.
  • عقل او کم بود و حرص او فزون ** چون جرا کم دید شد تند و حرون