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  • He (Majnún) threw himself headlong from the camel. He said, “I am consumed with grief: how long, how long?”
  • سرنگون خود را از اشتر در فکند ** گفت سوزیدم ز غم تا چندچند
  • The wide desert became (too) narrow for him: he flung himself on the stony place.
  • تنگ شد بر وی بیابان فراخ ** خویشتن افکند اندر سنگلاخ
  • He flung himself down so violently that the body of that courageous man was cracked.
  • آنچنان افکند خود را سخت زیر ** که مخلخل گشت جسم آن دلیر
  • When he flung himself to the ground thus, at that moment also by (Divine) destiny his leg broke.
  • چون چنان افکند خود را سوی پست ** از قضا آن لحظه پایش هم شکست
  • He tied up his leg and said, “I will become a ball, I will go rolling along in the curve of His bat.” 1555
  • پای را بر بست و گفتا گو شوم ** در خم چوگانش غلطان می‌روم
  • For this cause the sweet-mouthed Sage utters a curse on the rider who does not dismount from the body.
  • زین کند نفرین حکیم خوش‌دهن ** بر سواری کو فرو ناید ز تن
  • How should love for the Lord be inferior to love for Laylá? To become a ball for His sake is more worthy.
  • عشق مولی کی کم از لیلی بود ** گوی گشتن بهر او اولی بود
  • Become a ball, turn on the side which is sincerity, (and go) rolling, rolling in the curve of the bat of Love,
  • گوی شو می‌گرد بر پهلوی صدق ** غلط غلطان در خم چوگان عشق
  • For henceforth this journey is (accomplished by means of) the pull of God, while that (former) journey on the she-camel is our progression (made by our own efforts).
  • کین سفر زین پس بود جذب خدا ** وان سفر بر ناقه باشد سیر ما
  • Such is the extraordinary mode of progression which transcends the utmost exertion of the Jinn and mankind. 1560
  • این چنین سیریست مستثنی ز جنس ** کان فزود از اجتهاد جن و انس