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  • He had set his face towards the college at dawn, that by means of this false dignity he might gain (material) blessings.
  • روی سوی مدرسه کرده صبوح ** تا بدین ناموس یابد او فتوح
  • A clothes-robber stood waiting on the dark road to practise his craft.
  • در ره تاریک مردی جامه کن ** منتظر استاده بود از بهر فن
  • He snatched the turban from his head, and then started to run in order that he might settle the business. 1585
  • در ربود او از سرش دستار را ** پس دوان شد تا بسازد کار را
  • Thereupon the divine shouted at him, saying, “O son, undo the turban (first), then take it (away with you).
  • پس فقیهش بانگ برزد کای پسر ** باز کن دستار را آنگه ببر
  • Even as you are flying with four wings (very rapidly), (with the same speed) undo the gift which you are taking away.
  • این چنین که چار پره می‌پری ** باز کن آن هدیه را که می‌بری
  • Undo it and rub (feel) with your hand, then take it if you like: I sanction (that).”
  • باز کن آن را به دست خود بمال ** آنگهان خواهی ببر کردم حلال
  • When he who was fleeing undid it, a hundred thousand rags dropped on the road.
  • چونک بازش کرد آنک می‌گریخت ** صد هزاران ژنده اندر ره بریخت
  • Of that big improper turban of his there remained in his (the robber's) hand (only) an ell of old cloth. 1590
  • زان عمامه‌ی زفت نابایست او ** ماند یک گز کهنه‌ای در دست او
  • He dashed the rag on the ground, saying, “O worthless man, by this fraud you have put me out of business (deprived me of profit).”
  • بر زمین زد خرقه را کای بی‌عیار ** زین دغل ما را بر آوردی ز کار
  • The World's mute admonition to worldlings, and how it displays its faithlessness to those who have hope of its keeping faith (with them).
  • نصیحت دنیا اهل دنیا را به زبان حال و بی‌وفایی خود را نمودن به وفا طمع دارندگان ازو
  • He (the divine) said, “I defrauded (you), but (at the same time) I declared to you the (truth of the) matter by way of admonition.”
  • گفت بنمودم دغل لیکن ترا ** از نصیحت باز گفتم ماجرا