- The wife's confidence was (based) on the fact that he had never come home from his work at this time.
- اعتماد زن بر آن کو هیچ بار ** این زمان فا خانه نامد او ز کار
- By (Divine) destiny, her reasoning did not come (turn out to be) right: though He (God) is the Coverer (of sins), still He will impose the penalty.
- آن قیاسش راست نامد از قضا ** گرچه ستارست هم بدهد سزا
- When you have done evil, be afraid, do not be secure, since it (the evil) is seed, and God will cause it to grow. 165
- چونک بد کردی بترس آمن مباش ** زانک تخمست و برویاند خداش
- For awhile He covers it up, to the end that sorrow and shame for (having committed) that evil may come to you.
- چند گاهی او بپوشاند که تا ** آیدت زان بد پشیمان و حیا
- In the time of ‘Umar, that Prince of the Faithful gave a thief over to the executioner and officer of police.
- عهد عمر آن امیر مومنان ** داد دزدی را به جلاد و عوان
- The thief cried out, saying, ‘O Prince of the land, this is my first offence. Mercy!’
- بانگ زد آن دزد کای میر دیار ** اولین بارست جرمم زینهار
- ‘God forfend,’ said ‘Umar, ‘that God should inflict severe punishment the first time.
- گفت عمر حاش لله که خدا ** بار اول قهر بارد در جزا
- He covers up (the sin) many times in order to manifest His grace; then again, He chastises (the sinner) in order to manifest His justice, 170
- بارها پوشد پی اظهار فضل ** باز گیرد از پی اظهار عدل
- To the end that both these attributes may be displayed, and the former be hope-inspiring and the latter deterrent.’
- تا که این هر دو صفت ظاهر شود ** آن مبشر گردد این منذر شود
- The woman, too, had committed this wickedness many times: it passed lightly (over her) and seemed light to her.
- بارها زن نیز این بد کرده بود ** سهل بگذشت آن و سهلش مینمود