For every foal goes after its dam, so that thereby (the fact of) its being a congener becomes apparent.
زانک هر کره پی مادر رود ** تا بدان جنسیتش پیدا شود
The human creature's milk comes from the breast (the upper half); the milk of the ass comes from the under-half.
آدمی را شیر از سینه رسد ** شیر خر از نیم زیرینه رسد
’Tis the Justice of the Dispenser, ’tis an act of (just) dispensation: the wonder is this, that (in the Divine dispensation) there is neither compulsion nor injustice.
عدل قسامست و قسمت کردنیست ** این عجب که جبر نی و ظلم نیست
Were there compulsion, how would there be repentance? Were there injustice, how would there be protection?
جبر بودی کی پشیمانی بدی ** ظلم بودی کی نگهبانی بدی
The day is ended: the lesson will be to-morrow: how should the day (of this life) contain our mystery?1645
روز آخر شد سبق فردا بود ** راز ما را روز کی گنجا بود
O thou who hast put firm confidence in the breath (vain words) and flattery of a scoundrel,
ای بکرده اعتماد واثقی ** بر دم و بر چاپلوس فاسقی
Thou hast raised up a tent of bubbles: in the end (thou wilt find that) that tent has exceedingly weak ropes.
قبهای بر ساختستی از حباب ** آخر آن خیمهست بس واهیطناب
Hypocrisy is like lightning, and in its gleam the travellers cannot see the way.
زرق چون برقست و اندر نور آن ** راه نتوانند دیدن رهروان
This world and its people are good-for-nothing: both are unanimous in respect of (their) faithlessness.
این جهان و اهل او بیحاصلاند ** هر دو اندر بیوفایی یکدلاند
The son of the world (the worldling) is faithless like the world: though he turn the face towards thee, that face is (really) the nape (back).1650
زادهی دنیا چو دنیا بیوفاست ** گرچه رو آرد به تو آن رو قفاست