In the time of ‘Umar, that Prince of the Faithful gave a thief over to the executioner and officer of police.
عهد عمر آن امیر مومنان ** داد دزدی را به جلاد و عوان
The thief cried out, saying, ‘O Prince of the land, this is my first offence. Mercy!’
بانگ زد آن دزد کای میر دیار ** اولین بارست جرمم زینهار
‘God forfend,’ said ‘Umar, ‘that God should inflict severe punishment the first time.
گفت عمر حاش لله که خدا ** بار اول قهر بارد در جزا
He covers up (the sin) many times in order to manifest His grace; then again, He chastises (the sinner) in order to manifest His justice,170
بارها پوشد پی اظهار فضل ** باز گیرد از پی اظهار عدل
To the end that both these attributes may be displayed, and the former be hope-inspiring and the latter deterrent.’
تا که این هر دو صفت ظاهر شود ** آن مبشر گردد این منذر شود
The woman, too, had committed this wickedness many times: it passed lightly (over her) and seemed light to her.
بارها زن نیز این بد کرده بود ** سهل بگذشت آن و سهلش مینمود
The feeble intelligence (which she had) was unaware that the pitcher does not for ever come (back) whole from the brook.
آن نمیدانست عقل پایسست ** که سبو دایم ز جو ناید درست
That (Divine) destiny brought her to such straits as sudden death does (in the case of) the (religious) hypocrite,
آنچنانش تنگ آورد آن قضا ** که منافق را کند مرگ فجا
(When there is) neither way (of escape) nor comrade (to help) nor (hope of) quarter, (and when) the Angel (of Death) has put out his hand to (seize) the soul.175
نه طریق و نه رفیق و نه امان ** دست کرده آن فرشته سوی جان
(Such is the state of the hypocrite), even as this woman in that chamber of iniquity was paralysed, she and her companion, by the tribulation.
آنچنان کین زن در آن حجره جفا ** خشک شد او و حریفش ز ابتلا