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  • O gilt one, do not make pretensions: recognise that thy purchaser will not (always) remain so blind.
  • ای زراندوده مکن دعوی ببین ** که نماند مشتریت اعمی چنین
  • The light of the place of congregation (at the Last Judgement) will cause their (the purchasers') eyes to see and will expose thy blindfolding (of them).
  • نور محشر چشمشان بینا کند ** چشم بندی ترا رسوا کند
  • Look at those who have seen the end: they are the amazement of souls and the envy of the eye. 1690
  • بنگر آنها را که آخر دیده‌اند ** حسرت جانها و رشک دیده‌اند
  • Look at those who have seen (only) the present: their inmost self is corrupt; they are radically decapitated (cut off from the Truth).
  • بنگر آنها را که حالی دیده‌اند ** سر فاسد ز اصل سر ببریده‌اند
  • To the seer of the present, who is in ignorance and doubt, both the true dawn and the false dawn are one (and the same).
  • پیش حالی‌بین که در جهلست و شک ** صبح صادق صبح کاذب هر دو یک
  • The false dawn has given a hundred thousand caravans to the wind of destruction, O youth.
  • صبح کاذب صد هزاران کاروان ** داد بر باد هلاکت ای جوان
  • There is no genuine money that has not a deceptive counterfeit: alas for the soul that does not possess the touchstone and scissors!
  • نیست نقدی کش غلط‌انداز نیست ** وای آن جان کش محک و گاز نیست
  • Warning the pretender to shun pretension and enjoining him to follow (the true guide).
  • زجر مدعی از دعوی و امر کردن او را به متابعت
  • Bú Musaylim said, “I myself am Ahmad (Mohammed): I have cunningly confounded the religion of Ahmad.” 1695
  • بو مسیلم گفت خود من احمدم ** دین احمد را به فن برهم زدم
  • Say to Bú Musaylim, “Do not behave with insolence: be not deluded by the beginning, regard the end.
  • بو مسیلم را بگو کم کن بطر ** غره‌ی اول مشو آخر نگر
  • Do not act thus as a guide from (with the motive of) greed for amassing (wealth and power): follow behind, in order that the Candle (the true guide) may go in front (of thee).”
  • این قلاوزی مکن از حرص جمع ** پس‌روی کن تا رود در پیش شمع