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  • The inspiration of God is not (like) astrology or geomancy or dreams—and God best knoweth what is right.
  • نه نجومست و نه رملست و نه خواب ** وحی حق والله اعلم بالصواب
  • The Súfís in explaining (their doctrine) call it (the Divine inspiration) the inspiration of the heart, in order to disguise (its real nature) from the vulgar.
  • از پی روپوش عامه در بیان ** وحی دل گویند آن را صوفیان
  • Take it to be the inspiration of the heart, for it (the heart) is the place where He is seen: how should there be error when the heart is aware of Him?
  • وحی دل گیرش که منظرگاه اوست ** چون خطا باشد چو دل آگاه اوست
  • O true believer, thou hast become seeing by the light of God: thou hast become secure from error and inadvertence. 1855
  • مومنا ینظر به نور الله شدی ** از خطا و سهو آمن آمدی
  • The reduction of the allowance of God’s food for the soul and heart of the Súfí .
  • نقصان اجرای جان و دل صوفی از طعام الله
  • How should a Súfí be grieved on account of poverty? The very essence of poverty becomes his nurse and his food,
  • صوفیی از فقر چون در غم شود ** عین فقرش دایه و مطعم شود
  • Because Paradise hath grown from things disliked and Mercy is the portion of one who is helpless and broken.
  • زانک جنت از مکاره رسته است ** رحم قسم عاجزی اشکسته است
  • He that haughtily breaks the heads (of people), the mercy of God and His creatures cometh not towards him.
  • آنک سرها بشکند او از علو ** رحم حق و خلق ناید سوی او
  • This topic hath no end, and that youth (the slave) has been deprived of strength by the reduction of his bread-allowance.
  • این سخن آخر ندارد وان جوان ** از کمی اجرای نان شد ناتوان
  • Happy is the Súfí whose daily bread is reduced: his bead becomes a pearl, and he becomes the Sea. 1860
  • شاد آن صوفی که رزقش کم شود ** آن شبه‌ش در گردد و اویم شود
  • Whosoever has become acquainted with that choice (spiritual) allowance, he has become worthy of approach (to the Presence) and of (Him who is) the Source of (every) allowance.
  • زان جرای خاص هر که آگاه شد ** او سزای قرب و اجری‌گاه شد